Approachable WooWoo Part 1

Approachable WooWoo Part 1

Sometimes, I find myself caught up in the way our society categorizes things, particularly in the realm of wellness. The labels we attach to certain practices can deter us from exploring them fully, fearing how others might judge us. I've noticed that practices labeled as "woo" or mystical are often dismissed as strange or impractical, relegated to the realm of placebos or unscientific beliefs.

Stoke Coach is Now Officially Yoga Certified

Stoke Coach is Now Officially Yoga Certified

Big personal and professional news here --> I'm thrilled to announce that I've obtained my 200 HR Yoga Teacher Certification through Yogamu, a significant addition to my wellness coaching expertise. This journey spanned a couple of years, including a hiatus for the arrival of baby, but I persevered and am now officially a certified yoga teacher.

Embracing Different Types of Badassery: Your Journey to Confidence and Strength in Nature

Embracing Different Types of Badassery: Your Journey to Confidence and Strength in Nature

You know what? In the fast-paced, modern world, it's easy to lose touch with ourselves and the essence of our being. I do it too. Stress, self-doubt, and societal pressures often make us forget the incredible potential that lies within us. I have days where I am completely bogged down with busy work and I forget to do the things that bring me joy.

Dancing on Mountain Tops: Embracing the Joyful Surrender

Dancing on Mountain Tops: Embracing the Joyful Surrender

During my hiking collaboration with the Wild Women Tribe, the energy was already charged with mindfulness meditation and intentional movement. As we looked out over the majestic mountains, I continued to guide the group with a daring idea that struck me during my preparation - why not take this experience a step further and dance on the mountaintop?