Discovering My Why: The Journey to Becoming a Stoke Coach

Stoke Coach, is a reflection of my personal journey towards health, wellness, happiness, and meaningful connections. I’m sharing my WHYS - a glimpse into my heart and the experiences that led me to create Stoke Coach, where I want to help people embrace the beauty of outdoor movement and celebrate life together. Below are the core principles that I’ve compiled while ideating what a Stoke Coach, and in the process of being a Stoke Coach, and how I can positively impact your life.

1. Helping People Thrive: The driving force behind Stoke Coach is my genuine desire to help people thrive. I want to see individuals radiate health, feel amazing, and experience pure joy. It brings me immense happiness to know that my efforts can contribute to their well-being. Through a blend of mindful practices, gratitude, and movement in the outdoors, I strive to make wellness more approachable and enjoyable.

2. Sharing the Joy of Active Outdoor Living: One of my deepest passions is the joy of being active in the great outdoors. This passion is what drives me to share this experience with others. Stoke Coach seeks to foster a community where we can all bond over the exhilaration of outdoor activities, empowering each other to embrace a lifestyle of adventure and well-being.

3. Breaking Free from a Weight-Focused Upbringing: Growing up my household focused a lot on weight and constant discussions about diet and food which has inspired me to redefine the concept of fitness and well-being. Stoke Coach is a way to liberate individuals from rigid ideals and introduce a more holistic and positive approach to health - one that doesn't revolve around numbers but centers on well-being

4. Embracing the Athlete Within: I've always had a love for sports and the great outdoors, but I realized that being a professional athlete wasn’t feasible for me, and might not be attainable for everyone, but that doesn't mean we can't be athletes in our own right. Stoke Coach encourages everyone to engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. I believe that being fit is about more than just physical appearance; it's about nurturing a positive relationship with movement and the outdoors. And I refuse to let that label limit me. Stoke Coach is my way of saying, "You can be an athlete too, in your own extraordinary way."

5. Empowering Women: Redefining Beauty: As a woman, I've witnessed the relentless pressure to fit into society's narrow definition of beauty and fitness with firsthand experience of the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards, I want to challenge the narratives surrounding fitness and beauty. Stoke Coach celebrates authenticity and encourages individuals to embrace their unique journey toward health and happiness. It's about celebrating our uniqueness and embracing a path that makes us feel genuinely joyful and empowered.

6. Living Authentically: Gym culture and fad diets simply don't resonate with me. Stoke Coach is a testament to what I believe makes people truly happy and healthy - listening to our bodies, eating food that nourishes us, practicing mindfulness, and finding fulfillment in outdoor movement and gratitude. I seek to revolutionize the fitness industry by promoting realistic and sustainable approaches to health by advocating for mindful eating, intuitive movement, and the profound connection between body and mind.

7. Connecting with Self, Earth, and Others: My journey has taught me the immense value of connections - with ourselves, the Earth, and the people around us. Stoke Coach emphasizes the power of these connections, for they breathe life into our existence and enrich every aspect of our well-being. Through outdoor activities and mindful practices, we create space for genuine connections and personal growth.

8. Embracing Challenges with Stoke and Radical Joy: Life is full of challenges, and through the tools that I employ in my own life and through Stoke Coach I hope to empower individuals to face their own challenges with strength and resilience. By seeking moments of stoke and radness - where we let go of external judgments and embrace our true selves - we cultivate joy, authenticity, and self-acceptance. Life will always throw challenges our way, but constantly try to cultivate ways to meet them with strength and radical joy. We have the power to redefine ourselves, to let go of past limitations, and to embrace the moments that ignite our souls.

9. The Mind-Body Connection: I've come to realize that our minds can either hold us back or propel us forward. Stoke Coach is all about nurturing a positive mindset that empowers us to overcome obstacles and embrace our true potential. Hopefully, through guidance and support, I can help individuals break free from self-limiting beliefs and embrace a more empowering mindset.

10. Embracing Nature's Essence: Nature is my refuge - a place where I find peace, inspiration, and healing. Nature holds transformative power, providing space for self-discovery and reflection. Through Stoke Coach I hope to encourage clients to immerse themselves in nature's unyielding essence, for inspiration, discovering their inner strength and resilience.

11. Guiding the Path of Mindful Movement: I'm dedicated to guiding clients on a personalized path of mindful movement. Together, we'll listen to your intuition, reconnect with your passions, and embrace movement as a profound expression of self. I am committed to helping you develop physical strength and a mindful approach to movement. By listening to your intuition and reconnecting with your purpose, we pave the way for a more fulfilling life journey.

12. Confidence for Continued Outdoor Adventures: Working with me, you'll gain not only physical strength but also a newfound confidence to embark on life's incredible outdoor adventures. Stoke Coach is about empowering you to seize every moment and savor life to the fullest.

Stoke Coach is my heart and soul poured into a mission - a mission to inspire, uplift, and connect. This journey isn't just about fitness; it's about embracing life's wonders, cherishing every step we take, and celebrating the gift of movement and nature. I invite you to join me on this deeply personal and transformative journey to create a life filled with stoke, connection, and boundless joy. Together, we can redefine what it means to live a truly healthy and fulfilling life.