Dancing on Mountain Tops: Embracing the Joyful Surrender

During my hiking collaboration with the Wild Women Tribe, the energy was already charged with mindfulness meditation and intentional movement. As we looked out over the majestic mountains, I continued to guide the group with a daring idea that struck me during my preparation - why not take this experience a step further and dance on the mountaintop? The thought was absurd yet thrilling, and I was both nervous and excited to suggest it. Little did I know that this joyful decision would lead to an unforgettable and transformative moment for everyone involved.

1.Embracing the Unknown: As I proposed the idea of dancing on the mountaintop, I couldn't help but feel a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability. It was uncharted territory, and I wondered if the women would be willing to go along with this seemingly unconventional plan. However, I knew that stepping into the unknown was an essential part of growth, both for me and the participants.

2. Dancing with Abandon: To the beat of Empire of the Sun's "ALIVE," we broke out into joyful dance. It was liberating to see the women embracing the moment, letting themselves go free, and expressing their true selves through dance. It was as if the mountains were our dance partners, witnessing our uninhibited joy and connecting us with the natural world in a profound way.

3. The Magic of Mother Nature: Dancing amidst the mountains allowed us to experience the magic of Mother Nature firsthand. The breathtaking backdrop, the fresh mountain air, and the sense of vastness reminded us of our place in the grand tapestry of life. We felt humbled and empowered simultaneously, knowing that we were a part of something much greater.

4. Bonds Strengthened Through Dance: As we moved and grooved, something beautiful happened - our group became closer. The shared experience of breaking out of our comfort zones and dancing on a mountaintop created an unbreakable bond. It was a moment of authentic connection and vulnerability, strengthening the ties that held us together as a tribe of adventurous souls.

That day on the mountaintop, we collectively surrendered to the joy of dancing and the beauty of nature. As Mother Nature as our witness and the Wasatch Mountains as our backdrop, it was an experience that transcended words and allowed us to tap into a deeper part of ourselves. I learned that stepping out of my comfort zone and suggesting the absurd led to a moment of pure magic. It was a reminder that embracing the unknown and taking risks can lead to some of life's most profound and cherished memories.

In the end, dancing on the mountaintop wasn't just about the movement; it was about embracing life's spontaneity and fully immersing ourselves in the present moment. It was a celebration of being alive, and I'll forever cherish the image of those wild, joyful dancers sharing a moment of just letting go - free of expectations, comfort zones, and labels.